
Friday, January 6, 2012

Thank you for saving box tops for education

With all the clipping, bagging, and counting of the box tops for education we have raised over $450.00 as of January 1st.  This money helps our school to buy books, recess items, and presentations such as FAX Gilbert, which was this falls presentation on Bullying and Harrassment.

FAX, as many of you read earlier on in the blog came to Schaller-Crestland Elem and so did Galva-Holstein.  Mr. Richard and I are working hard to share these type of events so our students are getting the same message, creating unity amongst us, and sharing resources to make our schools a better place to be.

Thank you community members, grandparents, and parents for clipping, cutting and saving BOX TOPS for our students EDUCATION!

A few pictures of FAX this fall.