
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Scholastic Book Fair ---Tips to Parents!

Choosing Books for Your School-Age Reader
Select the best reads for kindergartners, elementary- and middle-schoolers

Do you remember the first time you hid a flashlight under the covers because you had to find out how a story ended? Providing great books for your child will not only help him become passionate about reading, but will promote school success by developing vocabulary, writing, comprehension, and study skills.

Choosing Books for Kindergartners
Buying BasicsKindergartners who are just starting to sound out and recognize words need all the encouragement they can get. Provide a variety of picture books, some simple enough for your child to begin to read alone as well as others that require your assistance.
Look for:
§ Picture books with entertaining plots
§ Books that relate to your child's experiences
§ Classic fairy tales and animal stories

Favorite Subjects:Animals Creativity Friendship

Favorite Characters:Dr. Seuss Franklin I SPY The Magic School Bus

Developmental EdgeBy reading with your kindergartner, you're helping her to:
§ Improve vocabulary
§ Strengthen letter and word recognition

Extending the FunStage a puppet show based on a favorite book. You and your child can share storytelling and puppeteering duties and put on a performance for the entire family.

Choosing Books for Grades 1-3 (Ages 6-8)
Buying BasicsThe key to selecting books for an emerging reader is to provide titles that will challenge him without causing too much frustration. Experts suggest that the ideal book will present your child with two to four unfamiliar words per page.
Look for:
§ Read-alouds that offer appealing storylines and illustrations
§ Simple chapter books
§ A mix of fiction and nonfiction

Favorite Subjects:Building & Construction Animals Creativity Travel

Favorite Characters:Captain Underpants The Magic School Bus Pokémon

Developmental EdgeBy reading with and also encouraging your 6- to 8-year-old child to read, you're helping her to:
§ Focus and concentrate
§ Enhance comprehension skills
§ Explore newfound interests

Extending the FunEncourage your child to think of books as entertainment by renting a movie version of a treasured tale, or going to see a live performance starring a favorite character.

Choosing Books for Grades 4-7 (Ages 9-12)
Buying BasicsAs readers mature, they look for books that are less about their own experiences and more about their fantasies. As a general rule, when looking for realistic fiction, choose stories starring children a year or two older than your child. Let your child's interests guide you, and be creative in your selections.
Look for:
§ Classic novels
§ Lighter series books
§ Books that explore social struggles and general adolescent angst

Favorite Subjects:Culture & Diversity Fantasy & Magic

Favorite Characters:Dear America
Harry Potter

Developmental EdgeBy encouraging your 9- to 12-year-old child to read, you're helping her to:
§ Develop study skills
§ Discover a world outside of her own

Extending the FunConsider joining a book club with your child. Familiarize yourself with the books he is reading, and then be sure to discuss them.