
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Set Limits and Good Example for Children's TV Viewing

Recent research shows that children between the ages of two and five years watch, on average, more than 25 hours of television per week, says Lori Hayungs, an Iowa State University Extension family life program specialist.
By the time American children graduate from high school, they have spent more time in front of the TV than in the classroom. That is a powerful influence on kids.
What’s Wrong and Right with TV

Too much time watching TV means too little time spent on active play, reading and socializing—activities essential to a child’s development. In fact, the sedentary nature of television has been linked to childhood obesity.
“On the flip side, quality TV shows can introduce children to positive messages, such as caring for others, and can be educational by taking them to places they have never seen before”, Hayungs said.

For more of this article click below: