
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Thanksgiving Stations during PE classes with Miss Willer

Students in grades K-2 were able to participate in a variety of fun Thanksgiving Stations this fall.  The stations included: 

*"Stuff the Turkey"-- Students worked on their underhand toss/throw by throwing beanbags through a big turkey!  

*Give "THANKS"--  The letters spelling out the word THANKS were placed on the wall.  Students worked on their overhand throws, as well as letter recognition.

*"Capture the Turkey"--Using paddles, the students hit a balloon into a hula hoop.  This worked their hand-eye coordination.

*"Mashed Potatoes"--Plates were taped to the gym floor.  The students could either jump or hop on or around the plates pretending to mash the potatoes.

* "Turkey Bowl"-- Turkeys were taped on bowling pins.  Students worked in pairs trying to knock over the turkey pins. 

      The students enjoyed participating in new and fun Thanksgiving activities!!!