
Friday, December 17, 2010

Naturalist comes to 3rd grade

  Sac County Naturalist, Rene Stroud, visited the third grade classroom and presented two amazing sessions.  The first presentation was called, "Iowa's Prairie Heritage."  Rene discussed plants and animals found in Iowa when prairies covered the state.  The children also participated in activities that included:  candle making, weaving, washing and combing wool, looking at animal skins, playing native games, and rug making.
    The second presentation was called, "Everything From Something."  Rene read the story called Agatha's Feather Pillow.  The students learned that all we have and eat comes from the earth.  Renewable and non-renewable resources were pulled from a globe that had different items stored in it.  The students competed in a global race fro resources and were able to see the consequences of not caring for our natural resources.  The 4 R's were discussed:  Recycle, Reduce, Reuse, and Renew.