
Wednesday, December 22, 2010


The fourth grade class spent the week of December 19-22,
learning  about how other countries celebrate Christmas.
The students chose the country they wanted to research, and they worked in groups of two or three.  They spent the week finding out where their country was in the world, and discovering the Christmas traditions of that country.  They worked together to make a large banner about their country.  Each group did a presentation in our class on December 22, to share what they had learned. 
Chase’s mother, Julie Evans, treated the class with a food from each country.  She brought the materials to the classroom and let the students cook their own treats.  We had pizzelles from Italy, crepes from France, hot tea from Great Britain, churros from Mexico, sauerkraut with polish from Germany, and rice pudding from Sweden.

Countries and groups were:
Great Britain – Morgan,  Jacob, Austin R.
Norway & Sweden – Logan, Austin E., Dylan
Italy – Abby, Brant, Mikayla
Mexico – Chase, Ashley, Lisa
France – Rachel, Evan
Germany – Anna, Zach, Kassandra

Bailey and Deitering awarded child care credential

Theresa Bailey and Sarah Deitering, both employees of the Schaller-Crestland Elementary School, have been awarded a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential in recognition of outstanding work with young children. The credential was awarded by the Council for Professional Recognition in Washington, D.C., which represents the early childhood profession.
CDA is the only major national effort to improve early childhood education and care by evaluation and recognition the skills of individuals providing care.
Parents who use early education and care are especially concerned today about their children’s welfare. With this in mind, as part of the CDA assessment process, every candidate for the CDA Credential is observed working with young children by an early childhood professional. In addition, the candidate must demonstrate the ability to work with families to develop children’s physical and intellectual capabilities in a safe and healthy learning environment.
Bailey, began her sixth year with the school district in August 2010. She works in the fifth grade and transitional kindergarten classrooms. She is also the coordinator for the After School Program. Theresa resides in Schaller with her husband, Dan and daughters, Brooke and Beth.
Theresa was also granted a Certificate of Specialization in Early Childhood Education from Des Moines Area Community College.
Deitering, is in her second year with the district. She works in the preschool and fourth grade classrooms. Sarah also works for the after school program two days a week. She and her husband, Jeremy, reside in Schaller and have two sons, Brody and Aid

Transportation and Inclement Weather

From all of us who transport the most precious cargo…our children!
With that in mind, here are a few things you might want to know;
Q: How do we decide when to switch over to alternate or hard surface routes?
A: First of all, safety drives all decisions. Bus drivers will report back to me whether or not a route may be getting too difficult or risky to drive down certain roads. I will drive the route myself to determined where the hazards may be& call to the county maintainer to assess the route.
 For whatever, reason, it cannot be cleared at this present time, I will call Mr. Kwikkel with my recommendation of hard surface routes.
Q: How do you notify parents about hard surface routes?
A: Phone calls, direct contact , by radio(KAYL & The MOOSE ) our web site, Snow Cap, TV  announcements tab to find schools   go to weather tab for snow cap sign up.
Q: How long will hard surface routes last?
A: Good question. That depends on a number of things. Once we have gone to hard surface routes, I drive them daily to assess road conditions. Depending on the way things  go, it could be a couple of days to a couple of months. No one really knows for sure. However, we try to get back to regular routes as soon as possible.
If you ever have any questions concerning transportation please call my office:; 712-273-5185 ext.312

Thank you and drive safely.
Darren R Nuckolls
Transportation Director

Preschool is a busy place

The preschool students have been busy in Schaller lately learning about Christmas and Gingerbread men.  They listened to many gingerbread stories and they made gingerbread ornaments from applesauce and cinnamon.  They also decorated gingerbread houses!  This is always a fun unit for them.
Now they are excitedly waiting to show their moms our room and enjoy a morning with them at our annual Moms and Muffins.  This is a special time for our moms/mother figures to come into our room, have breakfast with their student, hear a story and do a special craft.  This will take place on January 19th and 20th in our preschool classroom.  The students really look forward to spending school time with their moms. 
Please remember you are always welcome to stop by and see what is happening in the preschool classroom!  If you are not able to join us here, please check out our elementary blog.

Happy New Year ~Mrs. Grieme

Fifth Graders discover the real meaning of Christmas!

The 5th graders at Schaller-Crestland Elementary are giving of themselves this Christmas.  We have adopted two men in our military service to send care packages to.  Mandi Lange is one of our 5th graders and her dad, Mike is stationed in Afganistan. Mitchell McCabe, from Storm LAke is a family friend of the Bellcock family, and he is also stationed in Afganistan.  We are sending things like: powder, lotion, shampoo, carmex, toothpaste, hard candy, flavored water mixes, body soap, and magazines.  WE also wrote letters to them asking lots of questions about their jobs and what life is like everyday over there. I'm very proud of our students for giving so much this Christmas holiday.  I'm especially thankful for caring people like Sam Wandrey from our community.  It costs $14.75 to send one box overseas.  Sam has donated $100 for the shipping of all our boxes.  Thank you, Sam!!!
                                                        Mrs. Bellcock & Mr. Kohn
                                                        5th Grade Teachers

Monday, December 20, 2010

Thank you everyone--enjoy your holiday with family and friends!

Thank you so much to the supportive families, community members and staff that assisted in donating to our food drive and giving tree!  It was wonderful to be able to help so many families in need!   Principal Pickhinke

Blazin’ a Trail to Good Health

                                         By Angie Willer, Kate Struchen, and Brenda Mentzer

The third grade class at Schaller-Crestland Elementary has accepted the Governor’s Challenge.  They will be participating in the Live Healthy Iowa Kids program.  This program will run for 100 days starting on January 18th and will continue thru April 27th.  The goal of this challenge is to increase their physical activity and to make them more aware of healthy food choices. 
            The “Trail Blazers”, the team name chosen by the 3rd grade students, will participate in weekly physical challenges outside of their normal Physical Education classes. Such challenges may include jump roping, yoga and aerobics, walking, Wacky Olympics, dancing, and even learning how to find their own heart rates.  The Schaller-Crestland Elementary School is looking to purchase enough pedometers so that each 3rd grade student will have their own to track steps taken daily. 
            Be sure to check the S-C Elementary blog for updates on our progress!  We are looking forward to starting this challenge!! 

Friday, December 17, 2010

Naturalist comes to 3rd grade

  Sac County Naturalist, Rene Stroud, visited the third grade classroom and presented two amazing sessions.  The first presentation was called, "Iowa's Prairie Heritage."  Rene discussed plants and animals found in Iowa when prairies covered the state.  The children also participated in activities that included:  candle making, weaving, washing and combing wool, looking at animal skins, playing native games, and rug making.
    The second presentation was called, "Everything From Something."  Rene read the story called Agatha's Feather Pillow.  The students learned that all we have and eat comes from the earth.  Renewable and non-renewable resources were pulled from a globe that had different items stored in it.  The students competed in a global race fro resources and were able to see the consequences of not caring for our natural resources.  The 4 R's were discussed:  Recycle, Reduce, Reuse, and Renew.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Thanksgiving Stations during PE classes with Miss Willer

Students in grades K-2 were able to participate in a variety of fun Thanksgiving Stations this fall.  The stations included: 

*"Stuff the Turkey"-- Students worked on their underhand toss/throw by throwing beanbags through a big turkey!  

*Give "THANKS"--  The letters spelling out the word THANKS were placed on the wall.  Students worked on their overhand throws, as well as letter recognition.

*"Capture the Turkey"--Using paddles, the students hit a balloon into a hula hoop.  This worked their hand-eye coordination.

*"Mashed Potatoes"--Plates were taped to the gym floor.  The students could either jump or hop on or around the plates pretending to mash the potatoes.

* "Turkey Bowl"-- Turkeys were taped on bowling pins.  Students worked in pairs trying to knock over the turkey pins. 

      The students enjoyed participating in new and fun Thanksgiving activities!!!



S-C Hoop Shoot Winners---Congratulations!

  They will compete this upcoming weekend, Dec. 18th, in Storm Lake at 10:00.   The winners are Abby Hansen, Hannah Grieme, Dawson Blum, Chase Morrison, Jacob Tokheim, Beth Pickhinke, and Ashley Kestel.