
Friday, October 22, 2010

Red Ribbon Week--Mrs. Susan Kalin

We have had lessons through the month of October on safety, health, and substance abuse awareness.
We will have speakers Jane Kauzlarich and Jane Shuttleworth who are the author and illustrator of the book Quack and others in the "want to be.." series.  Jane Kauzlarich is a retired teacher, author, poet, and nature lover.  Jane Shuttleworth is a naturalist and illustrator.  They will share their interests and talents in speaking and music to help students realize there are so many great things to do instead of drugs.  The third, fourth, and fifth grade students each created a poster with a drug free message.  These will be judged and prizes awarded.  Posters will be displayed.  Students will be given wrist bands with a drug free message to wear during Red Ribbon Week.