
Monday, October 25, 2010

Busy in Preschool

Making apple prints

The preschool students have been busy the last few weeks learning about apples.  They  were able to taste test red, yellow and green apples.  The majority preferred the red apples.  They also made apple mosaics during craft time, sang new songs, found the star in the middle, painted with apples, made peanut butter dip for snack time, weighed them on a balance scale, and read lots of apple stories. 
The students also learned about fire safety.  They practiced stop, drop, and roll.  They made fire outfits, heard stories, and learned a new song. 
The preschool room is full of excitement this time of year.  I welcome everyone to stop in and see what is happening in the Schaller-Crestland Preschool room! 
Mrs. Grieme

Differences in apples