
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mentoring 2011-2012

We have completed another year of mentoring at Schaller-Crestland Elementary.  The eighth grade students at RidgeView Middle School have once again given our younger students a great opportunity to listen, learn, and grow.  We had 16 mentors work with 18 mentees.  The students set goals and worked on achieving them.  Goals included both social and academic skills.  Other activities included games and crafts as well as programs on substance abuse issues.  The younger students always look forward to the time they get to spend with their mentors.  Mentees benefit  from having a role model and friend.  They know they can trust their mentor to listen and not judge.  They also have fun together.  Mentors benefit knowing they are helping others.  It is also a reason to do their best knowing someone is looking up to them.  Of the students who participated in the mentoring program, all showed improvement on self-confidence and most had good attendance and improved academics.  Watching the matches in action shows the positive impact this program has on all of the students.  It is a very valuable program helping both mentors and mentees be successful in school with impact that I’m sure follows them home.  We look forward to another great year of mentoring in 2012-1013.

Jayne Wilhelm, New Opportunities
Amber Teague, Middle School Counselor
Susan Kalin, Elementary School Counselor