
Monday, September 19, 2011

Over 4 weeks into the school year---WOW!

I cannot believe we are already four weeks into the school year. It seems like yesterday we were putting them on the buses and waving good-bye. Of course I was waving good-bye and then giving hugs as they entered the building. (Oh the life of a mom and Principal---it is a good life).

As many of you can relate its hard to get the first days of school posted and printed and framed. But I did get a few first day photos. Precious Memories...I ask that you don't let the week pass without saying good morning and good night. I hope you make time in your busy week to say I love you and how was your day. I hope you can assist us in making your childs year a great year filled with many successes.

I have many hopes for your child and their education as well. Stop in and see what we are doing. Come enjoy lunch with your child or take a minute to email, call or stop by to see the teacher or principal...we love to visit...especially about your child.