
Monday, September 19, 2011

Over 4 weeks into the school year---WOW!

I cannot believe we are already four weeks into the school year. It seems like yesterday we were putting them on the buses and waving good-bye. Of course I was waving good-bye and then giving hugs as they entered the building. (Oh the life of a mom and Principal---it is a good life).

As many of you can relate its hard to get the first days of school posted and printed and framed. But I did get a few first day photos. Precious Memories...I ask that you don't let the week pass without saying good morning and good night. I hope you make time in your busy week to say I love you and how was your day. I hope you can assist us in making your childs year a great year filled with many successes.

I have many hopes for your child and their education as well. Stop in and see what we are doing. Come enjoy lunch with your child or take a minute to email, call or stop by to see the teacher or principal...we love to visit...especially about your child.

Reading Pep Rally

Schaller elementary kicked off the reading awards program on August, 19, 2011 with an assembly in the gym. The teachers provided a skit called "The Legend of Checkout Charlie." This set our western reading theme for the year and the students really enjoyed the skit. Mrs. Nehring told each class their reading goals for the year. First grade needs a total of 50 books. Second and Third grade need to read and pass AR quizzes of 75 books. Fourth and Fifth grade students need to read either 100 books and pass AR quizzes or acuumulate 100 AR points. (Each book is predetermined to have a point value on its readability, therefore the more difficult the book the higher the points earned.) The first students "caught reading" were Tyhler Kolpin and Chaden Wright. These students earned a sticker. You never know when your going to get "Caught reading!!"

4th and 5th graders Travel to Ridge View Middle School for Civil War Exhibit

On Thursday,Sept. 15 and Friday, Sept. 16 RidgeView Middle school hosted an exhibit made available from the Iowa historical society. This exhibit was called "The Fiery Trial: Iowa and the Civil War." Schaller elementary students in grades four and five were bussed over to the middle school and all of the sixth, seventh, and eighth grade classes were able to go through the trailer exhibit. The exhibit included a timeline of Iowa's participation in the Civil War, information about Annie Wittenmyer, and the impact of the Civil War on Iowa. There was a computer program that allowed the students to research Civil War ancestors by person, town, township, or congressional district. The computer search was a favorite activity of the students and many located their surnames during their searches. As being a host for the exhibit our library received two books: "Profiles of Valor: Iowa's medal of honor recipients of the civil war" and "Outside In, African American history in Iowa 1838-2000". These are now available for checkout in our middle school library. Several students have expressed further interest in their civil war ancestors. A good internet link for research is

Reading Plus for 4th and 5th graders--WAHOO!

Students at Schaller -Crestland Elementary are using Reading Plus in 4th adn 5th Grade to boost their reading scores.

This is how they are doing:

In Mrs.Bellcocks, 18 students have green session bars indicating they are on schedule! In addition, comprehension is strong for the class with the entire class averaging a comprehension score of 87% over the past 7 days. This is so great to see such amazing use and comprehension to start off the school year. Also, it looks like 2 students have already leveled up!

In Mrs. Mentzers, 13 students are on track with the schedule and have green session bars! Awesome use! Comprehension is also strong in this class with the class maintaining a comprehension score of 82% over the past 7 days. Excellent.

All the students in both classes deserve a round of congratulations for getting off to a great start with the program! Kudos to thier teachers as well!

Keep up the great efforts!