
Friday, May 13, 2011

       Wacky Fun at Schaller-Crestland

Laughter and cheers filled the gymnasium at Schaller-Crestland Elementary on the afternoon of April 25th.   Students in grades 3-5 had the chance to participate in the 1st ever S-C Wacky Olympics!  All students and teachers were divided into five teams, with each team being designated a specific color.  The students wore their team colors and competed against each other in “crazy” events such as Iron Man Obstacle Course, King of the Hill (a plank competition), Dress-Up Relay, Basketball Musical Mats, Bowling Pin Setup, Volleyball Pickup, and Tire Roll Relay.  The top three places in each event were awarded points, scores were kept and added up, and the winner was crowned.

The Wacky Olympics were put on by the 3rd grade fitness team “Trailblazers”, along with team leaders Angie Willer, Kate Struchen, and Brenda Mentzer.  3rd graders were in charge of the setup, scorekeeping, and even announcing the events play by play!  The Wacky Olympics was a fun and rewarding way to end their Live Healthy Iowa 100 Day Fitness Challenge.

- Author Angie Willer
-Photographer Kurt McKenney