
Monday, March 21, 2011

Mr Kwikkel is WHERE???

Budapest.....Amsterdam.....I bet you thought he was in one of his many offices or checking on his principals!

Yes...he is off on an adventure with his wife Juli.  They were kind enough to take Flat Stanley on their trip to a european 

country.  As educators they are traveling abroad to see what is different in our educational systems and spend time with

pricipals and superintedants of another land.

Flat Stanley at the airport in Amsterdam
Mr Kwikkels wife Juli holds Flat Stanley above the city to give you a view.

Hard to beleive but....Mr Kwikkels waitress in the Marriott said she was once in Iowa.... as a foreign exchange student... in Alta. WOW!!! 

<><><><>View A---where we are B----Budapest, Hungary C---Amsterdam, Netherlands
Flat Stanley at the airport and flight crew in Budapest

If you want to see other travel adventures of Flat Stanley please visit our tab on the top of this blog....