
Monday, February 28, 2011

Healthy Active Living for Families
To lead a healthy active life, families can strive to reach these goals:
Healthy nutrition starts as early as infancy with breastfeeding. Once your baby begins eating solid foods, introduce nutritious foods 5 fruits and vegetables a day, 2 hours or less of screen time (TV, computer, video games) per day, 1 hour of physical activity a day, and 0 limit sugar-sweetened role models themselves by making healthy eating and daily physical activity the norm for their family. create a home where healthy choices are available and encouraged. make it fun - find ways to engage your children such as: playing a game of tag, cooking healthy meals together, creating a rainbow shopping list to find colorful fruits and vegetables, go on a walking scavenger hunt through the neighborhood, or grow a family garden.Eating breakfast every day; Eating low-fat dairy products like yogurt, milk, and cheese; Regularly eating meals together as a family; Limiting fast food, take out food, and eating out at restaurants; Preparing foods at home as a family; Eating a diet rich in calcium; and Eating a high fiber diet.