
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Helping Your Child Succeed in School

This webinar will be held on Monday, September 10, from 8:00-9:00 p.m.  and will be presented by two Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Family Life Program Specialists.

Please see the attached flyer and also see the details of how a webinar works at this Extension website:

You will need a computer with Internet access in order to participate, and it’s recommended that prior to the start of the webinar you test your computer’s ability to participate.  These details are covered on the website page at the link above.

Schaller-Crestland Elementary Receives Award!

Schaller-Crestland Elementary School is making
national news!  They have been identified as a
HealthierUS School Challenge (HUSSC) School.

Julie Evans (School Nutrition Director) says that her
school nutrition staff, school professionals and a
representative of the parent organization reviewed the

This effort supports the “Let’s Move” national
campaign to create better nutrition choices and
physical activity in our schools.  Congratulations
to Julie, her staff and school!!

Welcome Back 2012-2013

I am thrilled to be back in session this August.  Many of you I saw at registration and/or open house before school started.....but if I didn't "WELCOME BACK...students and parents".

I read a cute comment on twitter the other day from one of the leaders in education...his quote  "today is the best day of the kids went back to school".  I had to laugh and smile as I'm sure that is how many you, as parents, felt on August 16th.  I must say it was a great day for myself as well. As a parent of 2 elementary children I felt the same way but as a Principal I was more than excited for the new year to get underway. Its great to get hugs and smiles from 200 little other job can give you that kind of feeling.  I welcomed many new families to our school this year as well as new teachers and classroom aides.

Stop in and say hi and remember if you have any questions or concerns about your child please contact us at the school.   I am excited to meet the challenges our year with face and embrace the moments spent with your children.

Principal Ellen Pickhinke